The trolley tumbler expands the large machine portfolio of the Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann KG by an important machine group. It has been developed, to mix, tumble and refine products even more gently and intensively.
Due to the rotation of the mixing container, the trolley itself, and without a mixing unit, a very gentle process is ensured. As a flexible allrounder for the most diverse applications and product areas, it represents the connection of a mixer with a vacuum tumbler, using a trolley as mixing container. This system enables fast product changes, saves time and minimized product losses during removal.
The following processes are possible with the Trolley Tumbler:
■ Mixing
■ Tumbling
■ Dry-Marinating
■ Wet-Marinating
■ Hydrating
■ Refining
■ Massaging
■ Separating
■ Breaking frozen products
■ Evacuating
■ Dry salting
■ Coating